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Immune Protocol - Immune Support & Vitamin D-K2 Balance for Optimal Immune Support & Function

Specifically Designed to Help Support Immune Function

The combination of Vitamin D-K2 Balance and Immune Support supplements help address the misdirection of calcium in the body to regulate calcium absorption, provide immune-boosting nutrients that our bodies need, and improve the overall function of our whole bodies.

The Immune Protocol will help to boost the immune response to incoming pathogens and provide high levels of highly absorbable vitamins and minerals that have been shown in studies to decrease the incidence of illness when they are deficient.

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What Makes the Immune Protocol Different?

Immune Support contains optimal amounts of quercetin, bromelain, selenium and zinc, providing immune-boosting nutrients that our bodies need to prevent and fight infections.

While some supplements contain quercetin and zinc, our formula is unique in that it also contains selenium and bromelain. As well, many of the formulas which contain quercetin have doses that are below the therapeutic level.

When the Immune Support formula is taken together with Vitamin D-K2 Balance, the body is provided with vitamins and minerals which are essential for supporting immune function, both for the prevention and healing of infections.

Support Your Immune System

• Support Immune Function

• Reduce Oxidative Stress

• Safely Increase Vitamin D Levels

• Prevention & Healing of Infections

• Overall Health

The Importance of Vitamin D, K2 and A

• Vitamin D may help to protect the lungs from infection.

• Low vitamin D levels are associated with a higher risk of infection and symptoms severity.

• Vitamin K2 helps to regulate inflammation.

• Vitamin A plays a critical role in enhancing immune function through its anti-inflammatory properties.
